- Shade Tolerant
- Perfect for the Home Lawn
- Easy Care & Maintenance
These new buffalo lawn variants are a vast improvement over the days of old, these new grasses are soft, able to withstand wear and tear, and they have the best shade tolerance amongst almost every other lawn type - at around 70% shade tolerance.
The new buffalo lawns also have low invasive properties as opposed to lawn types such as Couch or Kikuyu grasses, and can be an excellent all round choices for Australian homes today.
Soft leaf buffalo grasses respond and grow well in sandy, lightly salty, or alkaline soils, they thrive in full sun as well being one of the best choices for partial shade tolerance. Buffalo respsonds well to a mow every 7-10 days in the hot months and every 3-6 weeks in the colder months. It is recommended to mow at a height of 20-50mm if grown in full sun and 50-70mm if grown in part shade.
Buffalo lawn is a warm season grass which has above ground runners (stolons), but has no underground runner (rhizomes).
Buffalo Varieties
Sapphire® Soft Leaf Buffalo
Sapphire buffalo has a super fine texture compared to other buffalo varieties such as Sir Walter. Deep green in colour, Sapphire buffalo thrives in humid conditions but can handle the cooler temperatures as well. Sapphire also outperforms Sir Walter in shady conditions and can also handle full sun.
Sapphire rapid growth across the ground gives quick recovery from wear and tear, making it a good choice for kids and pets. Its tight matting of the root system helps to outcompete weeds once established. Sapphire is low maintenance and maintains good winter colour, ideal for residential and commercial lawns.
Kings Pride™ Soft Leaf Buffalo
Kings Pride soft leaf buffalo is a high performance buffalo with a great winter colour. Kings Pride performs well in full sun yet thrives in shaded areas. A very similar looking buffalo to Sir Walter. Kings Pride is also a drought tolerant buffalo which requires less water than most other buffalos on the market today and is also suited for high wear areas due to its rapid lateral growth. Kings Pride grass has a thick matt that prevents weeds growing through once established.
Like other soft leaf buffalo grasses, Kings Pride has stolons that grow on top of the ground which makes it non-invasive and ideal alongside garden beds. Kings Pride was first discovered growing in the wild which proves its ability to handle Australia’s harsh climate and it need for little maintenance.
Sydney Soft Leaf Buffalo
This variety of Buffalo has a medium growth rate. Its thick ground cover helps prevent weeds from coming through. Sydney buffalo will tolerate 60 – 70% of shad but also thrives in the sun. It is a very hardy grass that recovers well from hightraffic and pets, and has a good salt tolerance.
Sydney Soft Leaf Buffalo is deep green in colour most of the year. During cooler months, this variety goes into dormancy and develops purple tips, but will recover once the weather starts to warm up. Once established this variety is low maintenance, making it suitable for home lawns or commercial areas such as parks or industrial sites.
Palmetto® Buffalo Stenotaphrum Secundatum ‘SS100’PBR (SS100)
Palmetto Buffalo grass is impressive due to its drought tolerance and great winter colour. It is a cold hardy Buffalo lawn, which is frost tolerant and holds winter colour longer than all other warm season turf varieties, including kikuyu and some buffalo varieties.
Palmetto Buffalo has a deep and fast establishing root system. Palmetto’s drought tolerance means it requires less watering compared to other varieties in its class. Another great feature of the Palmetto is that it’s non -invasive. It won’t get under garden edging and invade your garden beds like some other grasses tend to do.